hate crimes

2428 days ago

Why are the BBC and The Guardian not all over the Yasmin Seweid story this time?

You may remember that last December, shortly after the US election The mainstream media was filled with reports of hate crimes against immigrants and muslims in particular surging across America. The highest profile victim whose plight the BBC , the Guardian etc reported enthusiastically without verifying was Yasmin Seweid. She was an international cause celebre.


2830 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Brexit, data manipulation, hate crimes, house prices & Malcolm talking Foxtons cobblers

I have been doing some work to show that the claims made by the left that Brexit has caused a sharp rise in hate crimes are at best academically flawed and thus unproven and at worst an outright lie. That leads me very directly onto claims made by Malcolm Stacey today on Brexit and house prices as he discussed Foxtons (FOXT) HERE. I take that article apart completely as my old friend is just wrong.
